Monday, June 28, 2010

Pizza Heaven

Pizza is one of my all time favourite things.
It ticks all the boxes of what you want from a meal. It has carbs, rich tangy sauce, veggies, meat, and as my friend Lauren would say 'HELLA cheese'.

Good pizza recipes are few and far between. They are made predominantly from plain yeast bread dough but this can prove difficult to work with and to manipulate when rolling.

I have run the gammit on pizza doughs but finally I have gathered my own little repetoire of pizza dough recipes that serve their purpose depending on what I'm using them for focaccia, calzone or flat bread.

Here's a recipe I'm fond of. Its easy to make,freezes well and the final product is a crisp buttery dough.
This dough is versatile and I have used it to make bread sticks,flat breads and even a baguette. Its amazing what you can pull out of your hat when you have to.
A little bit of fine cornmeal on the table when rolling the dough gives the base a nice texture and you don't end up with a floury base.

Olive Oil Pizza Dough

1tsp dried yeast
225ml water (body temp)
50ml olive oil
25g butter
1tsp salt
15g sugar
450g strong white flour

~In a large bowl put the flour, sugar, salt.
~Rub in the butter until it resembles bread crumbs.
~Stir in the dried yeast.
~Mix to a loose dough with the olive oil and water. Leave to relax for 5 minutes.
~Turn out the dough onto the counter.
~Knead by hand for around 10 minutes until it forms a smooth dough. Or mix for 5 minutes in a food mixer with a dough hook.
~Put the formed dough in a greased bowl and cover with cling film. Leave to double in size for an 1 ½ hours in a warm spot.
~When the dough is ready punch the air out of it and cut into 6 pieces. Shape into balls and leave to relax on the counter for 30 minutes lightly covered with cling film.
~Use straight away or put in oiled sandwich bags and refrigerate or freeze
~Cook the pizza on the highest temp on your oven. I cook mine at 500of.
~Preheat a tray in the oven and then slide your pizza on to it or put your pizza directly on the bottom of the oven,trust me it will be fine and give a great pizza base.


  1. Hi there,
    Your sister (the sarcastic one that lives in D4) sent me your blog .. its great fair play!!
    Quick q. have you ever come across a decent wheat free pizza dough recipe?

  2. Hi Sarah Jane,
    No, there is no such thing as a decent wheat free pizza.
    The flours that they use to replace wheat flours (eg.rice flour, tapioca flour) have none of the qualities in them that you need to make good pizza, or good anything for that matter.
    Here one that looked ok but I haven't tried it. Also for different recipes you might like
    Xanthan gum can be found in health food stores and is needed to bind the flours and give that bit of elasticity that you get from developed gluten in wheat.

    Good luck, let me know how it turns out.

  3. I feared you might say that! Being honest I might just have a real pizza now and then as a treat and deal with the consequences .. live dangerously if you will!
    Thanks Gemma.

  4. Yeah exactly, a little of what you like..
    Julie has a great dough recipe. It's my Mums. I'm sure Patty would be happy to share if she knew it was for a good cause.

